ID Card Systems

We offer complete turn-key ID Card Systems for all applications. With our consultative approach, we tailor an ID System to fit your specific requirements. We are an authorized reseller for the majority of the industry leaders. We will match you with the best card printer, software & camera package that meets your needs. 

ID Software: ID Software makes card creation simple and efficient. From simple basic designs to complex multifunctional ID Cards, we customize your software features to help design and print an ID badge that uniquely represents your brand. Fine-tuning the details, we apply only those essential features to you in combination with Cameras and other capture devices, resulting in a seamless and user-friendly ID Card Process.

 Card Printers: Coupled with the ID Software, your Card Printer is a valuable tool that completes your ID System. With a wide range of available features and functions, we help you narrow down the printer’s best fit.  

  • Single or Double Sided Printing 
  • Vibrant Colors
  • HD Printing
  • Lamination Protection 
  • Holographic Watermarks & Additional Security-Rich Printing.

The proper printer plays a vital role in choosing the right one for you. We have vast experience working with desktop ID Printers, and we draw from our experience to fit you with the best combination of functionality and reliability while respecting your budget. 

  • Valid / Polaroid
  • Fargo / HID
  • Entrust / Datacard
  • Zebra
  • Magicard
  • Evolis
  • Nisca